Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Ethereum is pleased to announce a new leadership structure, HSIO-WEI WANG and Tomasz Stańczak as executives as of March 17. This is an exciting new chapter in the development of the Foundation as we continue to support the growing ethereum ecological system.

Meet the directors participating in the new participants

Hsiao-wi wang

Hsiao-wi wang

HSIO-WEI brings her a research background, after she worked as a basic researcher at ETHEREUM for seven years. She worked in many fields of research and was a major shareholder in the ETHEREUM lighthouse series. She has also participated actively as a community building, which has repeatedly organized high -quality and successful events with the ETHEREUM community in Taiwan.

This HSIO-WEI experience provides an insightful look on how ETHEREUM, from the research and development process, to its community at the base level, to the developers of applications and builders. It also gives it a profound understanding of the basic values ​​of Ethereum, and the unique role of ETAREUM in our decentralized ecosystem as a host of these values.

Tomasz Stańczak

Tomasz Stańczak

Tomasz comes in this role with a development background as a leader with proven results. The team led the NETHERMIND executive, who grew to become one of the largest players in the ethereum ecological system, and was successfully expanded from a project to a prosperous global company. In Netherms, Tomasz built a very effective pipeline for employment and training, and a very functional organization. With Tomasz experience, we can create the same type of engine in Ethereum.

Thomas will continue to participate in Nethermind, but he is going to move from the position of CEO.

Over the next few years, the ethereum ecological system needs to move in the difficult transition from being a project in the early stage that serves a small number of enthusiasts to be a strong, strong -censorship layer in global financing and software.

Under the leadership of HSIA-WEI and Tomasz, EF will ensure that ETHEREUM and the ecological system can grow at the same time while ensuring that this growth develops the basic values ​​that motivated the existence of Ethereum in the first place, such as open source, global cooperation without permission, privacy and security.


Ethereum Foundation team

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Johnathan DoeCoin

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