Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Dear ethereum community,

Today, I am excited to change the page and share that I will close this chapter as an executive director of ETAREUM soon and introduce a new role as its president. This new opportunity will allow me to continue supporting EF’s institutional relations, and expanding our vision and culture on a larger scale. I am deeply grateful and enthusiastic about what awaits us, and while I took this decision a year ago, the recent events gave me the ideal opportunity to think about what really matters to me.

In the past few weeks, it has lit a deep thing about Ethereum – a fact that becomes clearer in moments of tension, when discussions arise about the network or network value of the network. Throughout the world, the difference and individuals talk about Ethereum as if they were their own, however this tension is the place where our greatest strength lies: Ethereum belongs to everyone specifically because it does not belong to anyone. Our culture of non -nullification is not only tolerated – it grows through it. In the midst of everything, we saw a new and contemplative energy, and it reminds me that in the dark we notice the northern star – something that we often consider as a foregone.

I would like to borrow from Brand Stewart Pace To explain how I see things in ethereum. It provides a framework for how to work the world, which was inspired by Brian Eno Cutting layers. Over time, this model formed a variety of influential individuals, technicians, artists, future and institutions alike.

Support Ethereum values

Where is ethereum fit into these layers? Is it in fast -moving outer layers, where the rapid experience occurs? Or at the core, where nature and culture develop more slowly? I don’t think the answer is completely in either of them. If we want Ethereum to be more than a short -term product, if we want to woven into the world’s tissue in the long run, we need all layers, and move in all steps. And if we do not want ETHEREUM to a short-term product for one company, then all layers cannot-and should not be dominated by EF.

ETHEREUM Foundation determines gaps and imbalances across these layers. The role of EF was not controlling or possessing all areas. Instead, our responsibility –Accountability – Ethereum values ​​must be supported. Through both our actions and others, we are responsible for ensuring that Ethereum is still flexible, not only as a network, but as a broader ecosystem for ideas, ideas and values-it has not been reduced to one organization product.

value Trusted neutrality It does not mean that everything is treated evenly, as this means making preliminary options that protect the integrity of Ethereum in its essence. Often our philosophy is misunderstood: it is not its simplicity, and it does not mean that you do less for it. It is a form of thinking in the design that focuses on results instead of solid methods. The offering is not the process, but the result that we strive for: a scene with less imbalances, and the lowest centralization that can affect Ethereum values. Instead of assuming that you are always less better, this mentality realizes that achieving balance often requires a deliberate complexity or adding new mechanisms to ensure that there is no single entity, including EF, dominates the ETHEREUM development.

Guidance with philosophy

EF helped obtain new projects, new institutions and new heroes by owning what we were only to own. The countless decisions that guided this philosophy helped, ethereum, to become the largest environmental system of its kind while maintaining its unbearable potential. Ethereum can do everything, be everywhere, serve everyone, with every field supported by the brightest minds, and above all, it must remain free of capture. These values ​​are our star North, and this is the way we achieve the original vision of Ethereum as the world’s computer.

This philosophy flows through everything we do.

Some examples of the place where our actions affected Ethereum R&D and infrastructure:

  • Instead of controlling, we are a host

    Each basic Dev Calls to create space for technical decisions to appear through the wisdom of society.

  • we Promote customer diversityNot only in number, but for customers to succeed and maintain them by different teams through the ecosystem to avoid individual failure points. Customer incentives program Customer teams were also supported in their work.
  • We support coordination R & D Interops ReferencesKnowing that real breakthroughs occur when ideas that contaminate the difference vary.
  • Some efforts start as seeds we plant – like Mixing the account or Coordination via L2But it is designed to grow beyond our first direction and now thrive through the cultivation of society.
  • The merger, the shift to the proof of the share, was not due to the task. Not only because it had to be implemented smoothly while thousands of applications continued to run, but because it requires an accurate balance: driving without control, and coordination without centralization.

Defican It grew to something really unique within the ethereum ecosystem. It is not a natural conference, and provides space as it leads the community centers and events for the field by those who lead progress in the corners of the ecosystem. We focus on driving care within various societies, and enabling them to form their visions and communicate with their people. Although this approach makes coordination more complicated, requires more time and resources, and requires us to embrace a level of inability to predict, we believe this is the best way to reflect what ethereum is really – a network of independent and interconnected societies, each of which contributes to all . DevconnectAnd, which we hosted since 2021, represents a natural extension of this philosophy: the creation of spaces for deep centered cooperation while allowing various societies to lead in their own way.

In implementing our efforts with this philosophy, our team encouraged a major principle in mind: EF must continue to develop, just like Ethereum itself as a living and dynamic entity. However, we must avoid development like a traditional company, because our goal is not to “win” EF-it is in order to win the long term while maintaining its basic values. With the development of the ecosystem needs, our focus is simply transformed from the question, “How can EF implement this?” to “How can Ethereum be accomplished, and what role should EF play?” This does not mean retreat. Instead, we move forward with the purpose, strategy and intention, and always guide our mission to maintain the safety and values ​​of Ethereum.

The offering, not its simplicity

Long -term sustainability, not short -term gains

The thoughtful complexity, not simplification

Supervision, not control

Adaptive growth, not a solid structure

A purposeful development, not an expansion similar to companies

Community leadership, not domination

Unique unique

It was amazing to witness this growth of the ecological system. Seven years ago, when I joined EF, Ethereum had less voices. Focusing on participation – in building and securing the network – has been focused on a fewer hands and regions. At that time, as a selective dreamer (a title in which I preferred the executive director), she asked me a lot: What makes Ethereum not only different, but unique? The answer was always clear, but deep: Real flexibility, rooted in Ethereum values. Ethereum does not grow like a machine. It grows like a garden, reinforced with its biological diversity, and prosperity The game as a whole is countless. This vision – the infinite garden – was born from this perception. Today, ETHEREUM is thrived as a sentence of sounds: the main developers and researchers improve the protocol, the L2 teams that allow the ability to expand, and the construction of applications who block ethereum to the real world, and local societies that constitute their future in their own ways. This richness –Where artistic and social innovation is intertwined and affects each other– It is not just an advantage of ethereum. That is why it lasts.

When we hear “Decentralization is the only way to build in my country” From a person in a place where democracy is broken, it reminds us of how Ethereum technical options have profound human effects. Although this endless game cannot be played by EF alone, we are still committed to supporting the values ​​that allow the technical and social innovation of Ethereum to continue the service of humanity.

Thank you

When I first discussed the possibility of moving to the president with Vitalik a year ago, that was the intention of continuing to care for the unique Ethereum culture, and work as a voice to fill the gap between Ethereum and the wider global community. As in the layer of speed, the movement of culture is slower, but it provides a strong basis for everything the following (“If the slow parts are not sometimes frustrated, they will not do their job – SB”). Culture fades beyond the market courses, preserves us during the winter, and pushes us during the spring.

Thank you for everyone who has been part of my journey during the past seven years, and for those who encouraged me to stay honest with myself. EF cultivation and Ethereum support often requires unconventional curricula, and decisions that challenge traditional organizational wisdom. I am very grateful to those who inspired me to stay bold, and I trust that following our values ​​will light the path forward. No journey was easy, and I could not do it without you. My deep appreciation for all at the Ethereum Foundation, in the past and present, who participated in patience and courage on this unusual and unconventional journey together.

Thank you all who continue to remind us of why we are here in the first place.

Let’s continue to build in the garden.

Aya Magucci

crypto & nft lover

Johnathan DoeCoin

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John DoeCoin

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