This blog post forms part of our 2025 Regulatory odds Series. Over the next few weeks, we will exude the key regulatory and political trends we expect to see over the next year.
As we recently noticed, 2025 promises to be an important year for digital assets in the United States due to the outcome of last year’s elections.
We expect that the Second Mandate of the President Donald Trump will have a new approach to the criptoasset industry that is prioritized by the financial services due to aggressive regulatory implementation, and this will probably increase the trust among those who want to innovate with digital property in the United States.
But it is not just in the White House and among the executive branches that there are important changes that take place for the cryptoassus space. In the halls of the US Congress are in progress, which could have a significant and lasting impact on the cryptoasset space during 2025. And beyond.
In the last few years, the Crypto industry advocates referred to the US Congress to make legislation that could meet the perceived gaps in the American regulatory framework that interfered the growth of the industry. For example, several parts of the draft law circulan in recent years that would target the role of the DIK’s role and the Commission for Commodity Future (CFTC), which have often been frequently vague competencies when it comes to police crypt.
In addition, the industry reviewed StableCoin legislation, claiming that the United States requires a comprehensive and clear regulatory framework for stems if they want to follow the competencies such as the implementation of the stem regime.
FRUDRYING FOR INNOVATION PROJECTS PER KRIPTOASCA, Congress has not achieved results so far, due to a combination of fierce two-story bipartization, as well as significant amounts of crypto-skepticism. Democrats and Republicans did not agree on StableCoin legislation during Joe Biden Presidency, many leading votes in the Congress Theme were members like Senator Elizabeth Warren, which is very critical of the industry.
However, significant changes arrived with the elections from 2024. November, which saw the Republic Party took control of the representative representative and senate – ensuring that the President Trump has a congress friendly to his agenda. And this concrete congress is not just aligned with the president on the partisan basis. It is also the most pretional congress that have really seen us. Elections 2024 saw the cryptoasset industry with a massive lobbying and campaigns to ensure the legislator who believe that the U.S. industry is willing to battle for legislation to increase legal and regulatory clarity for Space for digital assets. Not only is a significant part of the republic majority in Congress tightly crypto-haired, but much of the Democrats in the Congress, which received the Campaign from the Industry.
This new landscape presents the opportunity for the congress to bring effective legislation that could form the American cryptoassomal landscape for generations that come. Already in the first two months of 2025. There are signs that the current Congress is seriously entering into making legislation and not only talk about it.
The most promising area of ​​potential progress is for the legislation on stabiliaries. 4. February, Senator Bill Hagerty published a draft law known as the leading and establishment of national innovation for American stable innovations (Genius Act) that would provide a framework for monitoring stable. The Draft Law proposes for the reserve requirements for stable and that would subject financial institutions that issues more than $ 10 billion (known as “payment stems”) to supervision, while insecure payment stems according to the supervision of the currency supervisor OCC). Stem publishers with the total market value of under $ 1 billion would be subject to the control of the regulator at the state level.
This last provision has previously challenged Democrats, who claimed that state regulators were not equipped enough to ensure efficient control over Stablachoin’s publisher. What is important, however, the Genius Act sponsored by the Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, the Democrat from New York, who previously suggested bipartisan crypton legislation. In separate, but coordinated action, the Congressman French hill introduced the draft law on stems in the House of MPs to act as a complementary draft discussion in tandem with the consideration of the GENIUS.
The second concrete legislative initiative in the paper is a draft law that would aim to define the Kryptoasco regulatory perimeter for Kryptoasco and that would more clearly demarcinate the responsibilities of SEC and CFTC when it comes to supervision of cryptomoric activities. On 4. February, the Conference of Congressman was presented at the press conference, “Crypto Czar” David Sacks, who will introduce a draft law on the previous congress known as FIT21, which highlighted the framework for defining supervisory Responsibility of SEC and CFTC.
This legislative effort would indeed be significant in order to help improve regulatory clarity for market participants in the US; However, its larger width of the scope and potential complexity could potentially be able to express their passage less than the stems legislation.
Moreover, the Congress is also increasingly focused on reviewing issues of importance for the crypto industry. For example, 5. February, the Banking Senate Committee held a hearing on the issue of deboquinance in which the KryptoAsset industry members were involved in the challenges of the bank account. In that hearing, even the general crypto-skeptical Senator Elizabeth Warren claimed that the crypto firm must not face the blanket. To this end, the Congress could be the source of potential future actions that could enable Cryptoasset Compays to receive a more reliable approach to banking services.
Despite the renewed optimism that Congress can undergo meaningful legislation in the foreseeable future, success is anything, but guaranteed, for several reasons.
First, the republic majority in the House of MPs is currently a thin razor, which means that even a small number of damage or hiccups in the legislative process could throw out the efforts associated with the Cryptor.
Second, the next set of congress choices is now less than two years away, in November 2026. years. The campaign for that choice will be seriously early in 2026, which means that the legislative initiatives that are not missed in 2025. years may be adopted without a new congress was elected. If any house of the Congress should end with a new democratic majority in 2026, then the prospects for crypto legislation could look very different. In short, there is a potentially narrow window opportunity for the Congress that will bring legislation regarding the cryptor.
Finally, while Crypto gained significant and meaningful attention from the legislator, it is not a matter of great priority for most voters, and can slide the legislative list of priorities if members of the Congress become preoccupied with other high issues, such as taxation and taxation and immigration.
In other words, it is the time of crumb for Congress when it comes to the adoption of the crypto law, but there is good reason to be optimistic.